Using Technology to Stay Connected During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The outbreak of the unexpected yet frightening COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered the way people interact with one another. With social distancing being the new mantra, we can no longer pop on down for a visit to our closest friends and relatives or continue to engage with our places of work and education, in person.

Leave it to modern technology to come to the rescue during these trying times! Now you can stay connected no matter where you are in the world, all at the tap of a few keys. Let us take an in-depth look at this technology …


Home Technology – Helping You Stay Connected

Being cooped up in your home is not an easy task, which is why it is of the utmost importance to stay connected with friends, family, and our work-life while the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic last. Technology leaders around the world, including one of our premier partners, Sharp, have revitalized their operations to provide you with the best home technology that caters to all your connectivity needs. 

Just take a look:

Education and the Workplace

So you have some helpful input to contribute to a meeting? Or perhaps you know the answer to your teacher’s tough question. Either way, it is no longer possible to simply raise your hand and speak up. Luckily for you, screen-sharing and video conferences have become the go-to buzzwords of the pandemic, with technology making it easier than ever to connect from the comfort of our own homes. 


The Windows Collaboration Display, complete with Sharp technology, is particularly apt for the workplace, allowing you to connect virtually while enjoying all the perks of a professional arrangement. Complete with a ten-point touch screen, Sharp has fitted the display with environment regulating factors that help push engagement and productivity to the max. And better yet, with easy use device sharing, this piece of technology is perfect for multiple-person meetings, effectively allowing all to add their input. 

This really comes as no surprise, as Sharp has always been big on technology in the office, with their many managed print services solutions.

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Of course, Sharp has not forgotten the education system when developing their technology. Leading among this is the Sharp AQUOS Board, which facilitates distance learning, making sure that you don’t miss out on these vital months of schooling all because we’re confined to our homes! Fitted with enhanced touchscreen technology that makes for accuracy in motion, Sharp has effectively removed hiccups from the online learning route. Not only does the board facilitate two-way interaction, but it does all this on a HD display. After all, at Coastal Business Systems, we believe that nothing should stand in the way of a good education, not even a global COVID-19 pandemic.

Friends and Family

While it is imperative to be on top of our work and study game during this time, it is also just as important to stay connected, albeit digitally, to our friends and family. Sometimes a phone call just doesn’t cut it, what we really need is to actually see those who we hold dearest. And what better way to do that than to video call? With Facebook and WhatsApp always having been an option, the current situation has seen them better their services, with WhatsApp increasing its limit on the number of people that can join a call. 


Similarly, for those who prefer to have the complete video call experience, softwares such as Zoom and Skype are proving to be all the rage. Not only are they easy to use, but they have offerings that are completely free of charge. And to top it all off, Zoom has lifted its forty-minute call limit, allowing an uninterrupted conversation to flow effortlessly. So, whether it’s a catch-up with friends or a university lecture, you know where to go. 

Of course, social media has not lagged behind, and communication via mobile apps has seriously soared. Whether it’s Snapchat, Instagram, or the likes, people are consistently using these platforms to not only reach out and connect with one another but also to band together and engage in healthy social distancing.

All in all, it is safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic would be near insufferable if it weren’t for the wonders of modern home technology to keep us connected!

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